Rabu, Agustus 16, 2006

Regural Command Linux

* ls -all : Melihat semua daftar File dg detail hak access
* chmod a+x : mengubah suatu file menj file executed biasanya ber-extensi spt .sh,
.rpm .bin etc.,
* ./shutdown.sh -s : shutdown jboss.
* ps - A : menampilkan process yg ada.
* ps -A | grep bash : menampilkan proses bash
* ps -A Top : menampilkan proses teratas
* ps - A U username : menampilkan aktivitas username
* kill -9 : kill the particular process whose PID can be found using ps -A
* env : shows the environment variables of the system
* env | grep path : shows the PATH environment variable alone
* $PATH : melihat suatu variable PATH
* Ctrl + z : menghentikan proses memindahkan proses ke mode tersembunyi.
* Ctrl + Atl + Backspace key : restarts GUI pd User aktif.
* sudo mv : memindah suatu files/folders
* less /etc/profile : menampilkan isi file "profile" sekaligus dapat mengubahnya.
* ln -s : membuat symbolic link suatu file.
* which : mencari dan menampilkan lokasi file/folder, escp untuk executable file
* find / -name "mozilla" : mencari dan menampilkan lokasi file/folder mozilla
* smbclient and samba server helps for networking with windows drives
* webmin and webmin-mysql helps to admin the system via web interface
* /etc/init.d/webmin start : starts/restarts webmin
* gedit : menjalan text editor
* gnome-terminal : perintah membuka jendela
* sudo xterm passwd : buka jendela x-terminal mode root.
* alien <-rpm file> : alien -i <-rpm file> : unpack dan install rpm berbasis sistem file
* rm : remove file
* rmdir : remove directory
* mv : move file
* cp : copy file
* gphoto
* df
* du -s < file/directory name> will list the file/directory size in kb,mb format
* alias
* env : displays the enviroment and syatem variable settings
* export $PATH=$PATH:... sets paths
* chgrp : change file/folder group
* chusr : chnage file/folder user
* bzip - archive tool
* watch "ls -al" monitors the current folder
* watch "du -s" monitors current folder byte size
* scp username@servername:directory location
* makes SSL copy rsync Synchronize one folder to another across network
* tar - tar archive tool
* touch - update the file properties with current date and time
* mysqldump -u username -p UNeMED_dbo generates sql scripts, mysql script